Summary Description:
I plan on taking several photos and adding several kinds of effects to make them look like life action footage. Using a combination of effects to zoom into a exploding volcano. Possible effects that I might try to incorporate would be particles, animated painting, colour correction and spline masking when ever necessary.
The designs of the location are still in a rough state, but I plan on using pictures of a mountain (possibly Grouse or Cypress) that erupt, shake violently and cause chaos.
Another scene that may be a possibility is using my boxing scene in an new environment that co-exists with other objects, possibly a boxing bag. (To recreate a boxing gym) This idea is still very rough and am possibly planning on scrapping the idea.
These are some videos I researched for eruption of the volcano. I wanted to get a good reference and see if using particles could be the strongest possibility mixed in with spline masking, motion tracking and some animated painting. Actual volcano erupts Eruption of Etna Volcano December 2006 Animated Still Volcano National Geographic shows amazing photos and a clip of volcanoes, both active, relaxed and the beauty of nature. Iceland Active Volcano Japan Volcano Explotion Animating Still
Mount Pinatubo Eruption A reference of one of the biggest volcanic explosions of the 20th century.
In my blog there are many more sources dedicated to understanding other aspects of visual effects. The links keep growing to show a wide variety of effects, websites and possibilities. From film references, CG Effects, tutorials and many other links connected with VFX and its process.
Proposed Learning:
My learning outcomes are to try and learn and experiment with the main effects covered in this course, Motion Tracking, Colour Correction, Chroma Keying, Spline Masking, Animated painting and Particles. I want to try each of these effects either in several projects or focus them in over one. Going over and practicing these effects in Adobe After Effects with trail and error to not only see what happens but to understand the different tools and possibilities of adjusting the settings and tools to get the effect that I want to achieve. I want to maximize my tools in Adobe After Effects by learning tools that can be used to create new projects allowing strength to my future animated movies.
Production Schedule:
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